Plans and targets to keep within this budget must be based on real, existing and just solutions within each country; they can not rely on paying others to reduce through carbon off-setting nor delaying action by assuming risky and/or non-existing technology fixes such as geo-engineering in the future. “Net-zero goals by 2050” are irrelevant distractions if transformative action is not happening this year, next year and the year after that…
Emissions reductions must reach as close to Real zero as possible by 2030 for a country like Sweden – with at least 12-15% reductions within the country every year.This rapid transition to real zero societies must be applied across all sectors: transport, energy, agriculture, housing, industry etc, and in just ways.
Länka upp med och ta del av tankar, idéer, manifest och ställningstaganden från folkligt engagemang och klimaträttvise-rörelsen globalt samlar perspektiv och ställningstaganden från den globala klimaträttviserörelsen.